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Stay up-to-date with our upcoming and latest events within the MAX!mize incubation program.

Upcoming Events

MAX!mize Roadshow

MAX!mize @ Max Planck Institutes


Various Dates




12.02.2025 | Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research | Rostock
13.02.2025 | Max Planck Intitute for Evolutionary Biology | Plön

20.03.2025 | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics | Garching

Previous Events

Start-up Success Stories - meet SFT

Webinar | Zoom


13th November 2024 | 2.00 pm - 2.45 pm



Let's get inspired! Meet SFT - Smart Filtration Technologies, one of our MAX!mize start-ups. The team is currently in Phase 2 of our start-up incubation program. Hear more about their journey so far and how they are tackling their future as co-founders.


Are you a Max Planck scientist and would like to discover what career opportunities are available in addition to the academic world? As the official incubation program for the Max Planck Society organised by the technology transfer organisation Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH, we offer you the opportunity to find out with this webinar.

Start-up Success Stories - meet Lucid Genomics

Webinar | Zoom


8th October 2024 | 2.00 pm - 2.45 pm



Live on stage: The first MAX!mize start-up that has raised venture capital!

Lucid Genomics recently secured 1.3 million euros in pre-seed funding, now you can be inspired by the sciencepreneurial journey of a movie-ready start-up. Find out what part MAX!mize played in the success of the science-based start-up. Meet Uirá Souto Melo, Co-Founder & CEO of Lucid Genomics.

Max Planck Scientists: Don't miss the chance and register now! Free of charge.

We can't wait to meet you!

MAX!mize Roadshow 2024

MAX!mize @ Max Planck Institutes


Various Dates



During our MAX!mize Roadshow we visited various Max Planck Institutes. We explained how scientists can turn basic research into business and what kind of start-up support the Max Planck Society is offering.

Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology

Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology

Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | Heidelberg

Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research | Cologne

Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing | Cologne

Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy | Bochum
Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy | Bremen


PS: Would you like us to visit your institute? Please get in touch with us.

Introduction to MAX!mize & Insights from a Start-up Coach

Webinar | Zoom


11th September 2024 | 2.00 pm - 2.45 pm



Are you a scientist at a Max Planck Institute? Would you like to transform your research into business? Are you toying with the idea of taking your start-up to a new level and participating in an incubation program? Then this webinar is exactly what you need.


We will give you a detailed insight into the official start-up incubation program for the Max Planck Society by Max Planck Innovation. We will explain how MAX!mize is structured, which program elements it contains and we will cover the application process.


You will also get in touch with the work of our Start-up Coaches - Sebastian Meyer-Borchert, as part of our fantastic Start-up Coach team, will share some of his insights and success stories. He will also be available to answer your questions.

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