Legal Notice
Mandatory information according to § 5 Telemedia Act:
Max Planck Innovation GmbH
Arnulfstr. 58
80335 München
Phone: +49 89-290919-0
Fax: +49 089-290919-99
Legal representatives: Dr. Christoph Hüls, Managing Director; Bram Wijlands, Managing Director
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München, HRB 42363
Value added tax identification no.: DE 129353382
Legal Notes on liability for own content:
According to § 7 Abs. 1 Telemedia Act, the Max Planck Innovation GmbH is responsible as a service provider for its own information, which it holds ready for use, according to the general laws. The Max Planck Innovation GmbH endeavors to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided on this website. Nevertheless, mistakes and ambiguities can not be completely ruled out. Therefore Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. For damages of a material or immaterial nature caused directly or indirectly by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, Max Planck Innovation GmbH shall not be liable unless it can be proven to be intentionally guilty. Max Planck Innovation GmbH reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of your Internet offer or the entire offer without prior notice or to discontinue your internet service temporarily or permanently.
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On this website are links to external sites. These links to external sites are marked as follows: External Link (for comparison internal link). The respective provider is always responsible for the contents of the linked external pages. Max Planck Innovation GmbH has no influence or control over the content of these external sites, and Max Planck Innovation assumes no liability in connection with their use. If Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH determines or is informed by others that an external site to which it has linked by link triggers a civil or criminal liability, it will immediately remove the link to this page. The Max Planck Innovation GmbH expressly dissociates itself from such contents. To clarify, we point out that there is no permanent content control of the linked external pages by Max Planck Innovation GmbH.
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All rights reserved. All texts, pictures, graphics, sound, video and animation files as well as their arrangement on our internet presence are subject to the protection of the copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. The content of our website may not be copied, distributed, modified, used or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Our website also contains texts, images and graphics that are subject to the copyright of third parties. Here you can find the picture credits of all pictures whose origin is not directly recognizable in the caption.
No licensing of intellectual property:
The intellectual property described or offered on our website is protected by industrial property rights, in particular patent applications and patents, as well as copyrights. Through our internet presence, neither expressly nor tacitly rights of use, eg. licenses, to these intellectual property rights and copyright.